Friday, March 27, 2015

Lunch in Loumarin, France

On the other side of the mountain is Loumarin, still in the Luberon area of Provence, which is where we have been the last 2 weeks. What a fun time eating outside in a lovely square, good food, interesting people watching... and oh, so French: everyone relaxing, taking their time, enjoying spring.

 The castle in town, such a pretty day with these clouds and sunshine.

 Reading the paper and having a couple of beers...

 ..along with his hand rolled cigarette.

 An active hot spot, life is good.

 Lunch outside, heavenly.

Maybe a famous author, using longhand to write a novel?

Our very hardworking and interested waiter.

After our long lunch, we walked around town, and hey.... good time for a selfie. 

 Someone has style! Just a random table with tulips out on the sidewalk by itself.

 Love these little cars, and so practical on the narrow streets, not like our big Peugeot.

 Joe helping with a sense of scale. An old mini mini.


Love the trees! 

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