Friday, September 27, 2013


Just a few of the beaches I've been lucky enough to spend time on this summer. I used the theme 'beaches' as our assignment for an iPhone group that meets once a month or so, we had some creative entries. Beaches are one of my favorite places, especially when it's not windy!

Early morning walk with Christy and Rita on White Horse Beach. iPhone.

Technically a pond...

Boy skipping rocks on a beach on Cape Cod. One of our photo workshops this summer.

 Scarborough, Maine. Next 2 images as well.

 Plymouth Beach, a sunset meetup with my PDP friends.

 2 other photographers at the meetup.

On the beach with Gail.

 A special evening on Plymouth beach with Ian, birding and a sunset.

 A very frequent sighting, Ian and his birding scope.

It's all about the birds, sunset is nice, too :-)

Plymouth Beach.

Joe and I on White Horse Beach, trying to take an iPhone photo of ourselves the way younger people do, not so easy....

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Domestic Chores in the 1600's: Plimoth Plantation

Inside the huts at Plimoth Plantation are all kinds of daily chores taken care of by the Pilgrim women, the original house wives. I loved visiting there with my friend Betty, a great place for making interesting images with many kinds of textures, colors and light streaming in the windows. Enjoying my new camera, a full frame DSLR Canon 6D!

 An overview of the village where 'actors' recreate life after the Mayflower arrived.

Making cheese.

Preparing a meal.

 Hanging out.


 Taking beans out of their pods.

 Boiling eggs.

 Nothing quite like a good dirt floor.

Scrapping a cone of hard sugar to get some grains to add to her meal.

If ever you think your domestic chores take up a lot of time, think of life before electricity, hardwood floors, gas stoves... well, we have it pretty darn good! Including having the men helping out.