The robin is considered to the be a sign of spring, but they are in New England during the winter months as well. There are 3 kinds of robins in the Boston area, the ones that stay year round, raise their young here and winter over in the trees. The migrants from the north that come to Boston in the winter and head back north in the spring, and the migrants from the South that fly through in the spring and breed north of Boston. There are more robins on the ground in the spring because the food source has thawed, but they have been here all winter.
Just wanted to get that straight :-)
And I know this because Ian loves birds.
Pussy Willow bud.
A good old mallard, looking very regal in his jewel colors, Jenny's Pond.
The white speck in the ocean is Flag Rock on White Horse Beach.
Reflections on a stream in Plymouth.

Walking around with a friend and our cameras.
Our magnolia tree.
Close up of a magnolia bud.
The cottage with the magnolia in full bloom.
Johnny Jump Ups from Ting, day lilies and the swan.
Flowering Pear on the left and the Japanese Maple from my dad's yard on the right.
Blood Root originally from Ting's in CT.

Yummm, asparagus.
Quiet sunrise on the pond.
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