Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some favorite images around Plymouth.

Plymouth Beach late in the day, a wonderful place to be.

Jamie, a friend from my photographers club, at a Plymouth Beach meetup.

Sunset that same evening.

Bee on Gailardia.

Joe giving Ian a buzz cut on our deck.

Ian with a hawk caught in the nets at his bird banding job. Most unusual!

The bees really liked the Gailardia, and I like them.

I try to walk to White Horse Beach every day, a simple pleasure.

Another sunrise from the cottage.

White Horse Beach with a Semi-Palmated Plover in the foreground.

Amusing myself by stacking rocks, then photographing them :-)

A random cat on my walk home from the beach.

I took a zillion sunrise photos from our yard this summer! Each one was a work of art, never to be truly captured in an image, but it's fun trying.

Our cottage from across the pond. The wonders of telephoto!

A piece of toast and juice after an early sunrise.

Zinnia and web.

One of my prolific Black Eyed Susan's.

Dinner plate Hibiscus did well with year from all the rain.

Taken by a member of my photographers club during a meetup about portraits. Thought you might like to see what I look like lately :-)

Julie's daughter, Danika, and her friend at a Triathlon meetup.

Cranberry bog near Julie's house where we both spent a lovely afternoon.

Plymouth commuter rail station, waiting for Luke, Ian's friend, to arrive from Maine.

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